What is HHC?

Hey folks! We’re back again for another exciting blog post where we dig around the underbelly of cannabis culture to bring you all the latest hip happenings. Anyone reading this blog who likes to keep tabs on developments in the cannabis industry may be aware that recently there was a recall on several products that were found to contain traces of a synthetic cannabinoid called HHC (or hexahydrocannabinol).  Well, I figured we’ve taken a look at other synthetic cannabinoids like Delta-8 THC so why not extend that same treatment to HHC? So, without further ado, lets shine a light on this little talked about, lab grown cannabinoid and see what all the fuss is about.

So like….what is it?

Like I mentioned above, it’s a synthetic cannabinoid. That means that it doesn’t occur organically through the natural development of the cannabis plant but is instead the result of humans in white coats moving molecules around in a lab. In this case, they added some hydrogen molecules to CBD through a process called hydrogenation (there’s your word of the day) and poof HHC was born. However, unlike CBD it is intoxicating, putting it in the same wheelhouse as THC.  Many users have begun to refer to it as “THC Lite”, since it doesn’t seem to be quite as psychoactive as Delta-9 THC is. That being said, not nearly enough research has been committed to studying this particular synthetic cannabinoid, so the jury is still out.

Where can I find it?

There aren’t any products yet to my knowledge on the OCS that contain HHC (deliberately at least). There are however some online cannabis retailers in the US and Canada who have started to sell vapes and edibles containing HHC. These companies tout HHC as being “stronger than Delta 8” and make other audacious claims regarding the potency of synthetic cannabinoids.


The verdict is that we don’t know enough yet. There isn’t a ton of information on the ol’ interwebs on official or unofficial channels beyond simply a breakdown of the chemistry of HHC. What we as consumers want to know is what its effect is and if it has potential as a means to improve our lives. Simply put, more time and study needs to happen before those questions can be answered. Now, if you don’t mind a personal digression, I’m not a big fan of the idea of synthetic cannabinoids. I’m a big advocate for letting the natural properties of cannabis do their thing in the way nature intended; without adding or taking away anything from it. That being said, I also hate new music and the other day my wife caught me shaking my fist at children as they passed our house, so maybe I’m just getting old. Anyway, keep your eyes peeled for products containing HHC. Barring Health Canada blocking its entry into the legal market, I’m pretty positive we’ll be seeing some products in the vape and edible categories containing HHC pretty soon. Stay frosty cool cats!

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