Strain Highlight : Oaxacan Highland
Hey folks! We’re back for another strain highlight to help build your encyclopedic knowledge of the various forms of cannabis that cover our bountiful little planet Earth. This week, we’re going to be diverging away from some of the more common strains in order to focus on a landrace strain that most people have probably never even heard of: Oaxacan Highland, an old school strain that is an expert at hiding in plain sight. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at this Mexican heavy hitter.
Wait…Hiding in plain sight?
You’re confusion is understandable, since it’s not usually a description given to any cannabis plants, which have a propensity to stick out like a sore thumb amongst their other flora brethren. The Oaxacan Highland – also known colloquially as Mexican sativa- defies this standard however, having evolved to look quite different from the weed you’re probably used to seeing. It tends to grow taller than most other strains and has a wispy-ness to the buds that gives this strain a very distinctive look even once it’s cultivated and cured.
Where is it found?
As the name implies, this unique beauty is indigenous to a geographic region in Mexico, specifically the region from which it derives its moniker, the Oaxacan Valley. It is a landrace strain which (as we’ve mentioned before) means it’s a strain that evolved naturally and is not the result of cannabis breeder efforts. Back in the 70’s it was a popular strain in the southern United States, but that popularity dropped off due to the “War on Drugs”, which targeted the Mexico/US border, thus stifling the flow of Oaxacan Highland.
Geography is neat and all, but how does it smoke?
Geography is not neat; It’s awesome. To answer your question, it is a sativa lover’s sativa. Since it’s a landrace strain, it boasts a very potent sativa effect that unfolds slowly, making this strain something of a creeper (which is a stoner culture term for a high that slowly “creeps” up on you). It has a very cerebral high with very little body effect, making it a great strain for getting stuff done. If you’re looking for something to put a bit of bounce in your routine, this strain is a solid choice that will stick with you while you go about your day.In terms of its flavour, it has a very pleasant Earthy, spicy aroma that translates into a smooth, old school tasting smoke. Some have noted that it has an almost coffee like taste to it on the exhale, though we’ll have to take their word for that on this one because…..
Aw crap, it’s super rare isn’t it?
It is just soooo frickan rare. Like a lot of landrace strains, getting your hands on it is going to be an uphill battle due to diminishing popularity and lower THC values than a lot of the mad science strains we’ve been seeing lately in conjunction with a lack of stability in the region in which it propagates. There are some other strains out there that contain enough of its genetics to be similar though, and a few growers have valiantly produced their variant on it to varying degrees of success. You’ll find some Oaxacan Gold Highlands and some Oaxacan Haze, lots of great strains that are trying to keep the genetic lineage of this epic sativa in the running.Have a hankering for a good sativa strain? Not to worry, our menu is practically bursting with great strains that will keep you up and going!